perseverance has no peers, it's more important than talent, more powerful than intelligence, and more resilient than the best strategy. most, if not all of us, cannot claim genius, beauty, nor the best schooling - but perseverance, we all can have. there is great virtue and glory in never giving up.
nothing concentrates the mind or tests one's character like a demanding goal - the desire to be something better than you are, or to be the complete person that you are meant to be. before a goal is achieved, you will experience and envision both triumph and tragedy.
no great achievement in your life will ever come without obstacles; physical limitations, the part of nature that is unpredictable, 'murphy's law', or even resistance from the outside world - those who wish to see you fail.
in all, be thankful for those obstacles; they are your practice ground, your stepping stone, if you will, as each new victory prepares you for a greater future victory.
in the end, though, express your greatness not by the acts you perform as a person, student, chef, teacher, whatever you maybe be, but by the endurance and fortitude that made those acts possible.
growth of any type requires personal struggle; perseverance keeps hope alive. through challenges and uncertainties, and in the face of stern obstacles and setbacks, you need to keep moving forward - no matter how tempting it might be to give up and let go of your dreams. don't do it!
we live in a time (june, 2008) and age of immediate gratification. what we want - we want it now. and just the way we ordered it, too. no delays, no substitutions, no excuses, no tomatoes.
sadly, many view new tasks and the accomplishment of most goals that way. we want overnight growth, instant mastery, and flawless performance on the first try. but you see, that's not how success works. patience and perseverance are at the core of what it means to be truly successful.
pace is irrelevant to perseverance. it does not matter how slowly you go so long as you DO NOT STOP. steady perseverance, patient endurance, and the achievement of a little every day is of more value than the overly aggressive rushing forward and the enthusiastic endeavor of the emotional and temperamental person.
patience and perseverance are two of the most difficult things to embrace for one whose commitment is being tested and tried through the fire. if you patiently persist in doing the right things, you will ultimately get the right results.
in order to receive a victorious outcome, perseverance is the ONLY option. if you lose patience and perseverance, you will, by default, forfeit victory. as long as you are willing to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes, no one will be able to prevent you from reaching your goal.
for me, personally, this is geared specifically toward culinary school, and thereafter.
there will be numerous twists, turns, burns, and more than half a million dollars in expenses. however, if i keep up with p&p, i will succeed.
remember: in your efforts to achieve your goals, you will be buffeted and pummeled. you will be criticized and opposed. you will be attacked and assaulted. you will struggle and fail. but you must fight one more round; you must rise each time you fall; you must embrace the power of patience and perseverance - you must finish the good fight.
1 comment:
Well said. Sounds like you have a very good head on your sholders.
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