when a band makes a great album right off the bat, i think it kinda might screw them over, because they are constantly trying to beat that one album with all their other albums, and its just hard. parachutes is, in my mind, just that album that coldplay is, and will be, trying to beat.
that being said, viva la vida, or death and all his friends is an amazing album. i didn't think i would like it as much as i have, say, x&y, but it sure came really close.
that album starts off with an instrumental - 'life in technicolor' - that as of right now, has everyone wondering if the quality was meant to be so low, or if, well, nevermind...
my favorite songs on this album are 'cemeteries of london' and '42', 'cemeteries of london' talking about i don't know what, but i still like it because of the elegiac feeling it leaves one with; and '42' dabbing at the possibility of life after death.
'lost?' changed dramatically from the previously released 'lost! (acoustic)', adding drums, and hand claps, which gives it a sort of marching tune, although the haunting church organ in the background sure doesn't help much.
low points in the album would be 'lovers in japan/reign of love' and 'yes!'; 'yes!' is what would happen if any one song off of a rush of blood to the head was mixed by an arabian director, leaving you wondering what c. martin and co. were drinking while writing this tune.
on the other end of the spectrum, for the high points on the album, are the title track and 'violet hill'; although i wouldn't say i agree with martin on his political view, as portrayed in the lyrics' "when the future's architectured by a carnival of idiots on show, you'd better lie low", the song still captivates me every time i listen to it.
coldplay closes out the album on a strong point with the second part of the title track, 'death and all of his friends', and a hidden track that sounds extremely similar to 'life in technicolor'.
album track list is as follows:
"Chinese Sleep Chant" (hidden track)
"The Escapist" (hidden track)
with two bonus tracks coming with the iTunes purchase:
all in all, i was extremely happy with this album, and can't wait to get my hands on it in it's entirety. ;)
PS - you can listen to the whole album off of coldplay's myspace. ;) ;)
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