i woke up around four am this morning.
that's how excited i was to eat breakfast.
yeah, call me crazy - but i was pretty excited about eating today, i don't know why.
maybe it was the fact that i was eating at Magnolia Pancake Haus? maybe it had to do with matthew john bell joining me to eat. i don't know, but whatever it was, it made me wake up at four, and not be able to sleep till, well, not sleep period.
breakfast was at seven thirty, and let me just say, those were the best 12 dollars i have spent on breakfast - EVER. this is what i had: 'smoked turkey hash', which consisted of mesquite smoked turkey breast, mixed with shredded spuds (po-ta-toes), and just the right amount of onions. oh yeah, topped off with two eggs, any way you want them [i had them over easy, cause i've never had them like that] oh, and lest i forget, it also came with two huge pancakes.
really, really, amazingly awesome. (terrible grammar, but i don't think anyone is checking)
anyways, they were awesome, and i would recommend that place to anyone with a ten dollar bill and a stomach of hunger.
after i dropped matt off, i had a meeting with walker advertising (where i work), at nine, and i was like five miles away, and it was 8:55am. so, im driving 48 in a 35mph, and lo and behold, 'weeooohweeeeooooohweeeeooooohweeeeeeeeooohhweeeeeoooooh' (police sirens) - i get pulled over, and i get a $181 ticket. yeah - so much for being on time. not only did i get the ticket, but they didn't start the meeting till 9:27am! ugh. that made me upset. speeding for nothing. :/ now i think im gonna do defensive driving. ugggh. too bad it wasn't that police officer that pulled me over. ;) haha. im lame.
my day then went by pretty smoothly.
my siblings and i took pictures for father day, to put on a tie, and a mug for him.
that was cool.
they then blew up a picture and offered to sell it to us for $114; i could have taken that same picture, and made the same size poster, for $21! talk about being ripped off. now i know what to do with my wedding customers. :)
[talking about wedding customers, you can find us {d&m wedding photographers} here: http://www.decidio.com/ ]
im still trying to get a relatively cheap d300. and i think my secret ways might work. :D :D :D
church was good; we talked about war, and if it was ok, or not, or justifiable, or not. then we went to play wii at michael's house - that was a blast, even though i suck at mario cart.
and i ate half a large pizza from pizza hut.
im such a fatty! :/
im going to sleep.
UPDATE - zac efron is so freaking gay
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