Saturday, January 30, 2010


so i still haven't figured out if i won that ESPN contest or not. they said that they would announce the winners on or "around" january 1... but come on, it's been a month already! 

anyways. i've tried to stay busy. i would like to be even more busy, though. 

did a few shoots in houston, and have some more stuff lined up, but we'll see how that turns out. 

i stayed with Marcos Witt's drummer for a week while i was in houston.. getting drum lessons and doing shoots.

i'm working on an idea for/with MW, so we'll see how that turns out. i might have some exciting news in the near future...hopefully!

i got my radio poppers since my last post - those are AMAZING. sure, they aren't pocket wizards.. but they still do the trick. 

here a couple of shoots i've done since my last post. i have a few more in the editing bin. 

Friday, January 1, 2010

and a new website

to ring in the new year!

something that i think is much more simpler.
i've wanted this since i made my first website, something this simple, i mean.

give me your thoughts!

happy new years

i hope 2010 is great for all you avid readers! 

be blessed.