Saturday, September 6, 2008


is blah.
i thought i finished that part.
but apparently i can't help but keep coming back to it.

oh well.
i really need to get over it.
alright, her.

people picture said i can have the job.
if i can work every sunday.
and i said thanks, but no thanks.

so i applied at lifetouch, at jcpennys, and i think i have a better shot there.
plus, the manager is hot, vs fat and ugly at people picture. 
oh, im so mean.

this 365 days project isn't that bad.
not easy, though.
i forget to take pictures everyday, which isn't a good thing.

and this book project thing.
the picture book.
with questions.
THAT is hard.
man - how hard is it to help a friend out?
too hard, apparently. 

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