Saturday, September 27, 2008

bad dreams

i've been having dreams lately. 
lots and lots of weird dreams. 
and i don't know what any of them mean, but every day this week when i've woken up, i told myself, 'dang, that was such a WEIRD dream!'  

anyways. i had another one of those dreams right now. 
except this time it was a BAD dream, and i remembered it when i woke up.
in great detail. 

so here it goes. i hope i don't offend anybody, but this is just how the dream was. i am at this church, out near 1604 and I-35; except the church has the exact same schematics as the last church i used to rent. 

anyways. im just chilling, and lots and lots of people are there. ryan brown, samantha faye, the bell family, jessica rogers, zoe r's little sister aiden (weird), grandpa manz), devon manz, my mom, marisa rogers, marlon guiterrez, and a whole bunch of other people i can't remember.  

anyways, it's getting dark at the church, so i head to the car, but not before i decide to break a window and break into the church, and get caught by greek muslims drinking wine. 

marlon somehow bails me out, and we decide to ride dirt bikes, in the church - with samantha. (marlon and samantha don't know each other, which is weird) afterwards, samantha decides to give me her dirt bike, and so i put it on top of my beetle.  my mom sees me and tells me she doesn't want me to keep it because she's worried the brakes might be bad.

fast forward now, and it's night time. and im in taco cabana, and ryan is the head taco maker or whatever. so i sign language to him across the entire kitchen to make me some chicken fajita tacos with lots of cheese, and marisa decides to join me, and she orders four teas and drinks them herself - without offering me one.  

then the scary part. now, i get out of taco cabana, and it's day time - and the entire bell family is here to pick me up, along with aiden, devon, and grandpa manz, in a 20 passenger version of their gold yukon. anyways, pastor bell is driving, and we're just talking, when suddenly a bicyclist dangerously passes in front of us - and we all start freaking out and laughing. then a runner does the same thing. and then it happens again. and again. by now, pastor bell is weaving through piled up car accidents - at 70mph. 

finally, he has to slam on the brakes - and we're coming to a railroad bridge that is rusty and rotting away, and half of it is gone - you just drive off into the abyss, or whatever it is that is down there, and black, during the day...  

anyways, jessica jumps from under the car and starts running and jumps off the cliff. 
and then we're still sliding, and grandpa manz and aiden decide they're going to jump out of the car. and they land safely.  

suddenly, im in a different part of the dream. in a restaurant, magnolia's pancake haus - but everyone's faces are in stuck in these - WARNING, GRAPHIC.
i don't know why, but now suddenly everyone has some sick and twisted torture device stuck to their body. and that is when i woke up.  
but the scarier part is i fell back asleep. and the dream continued exactly where it left off. and i woke up again - to a dark room. now im scared to go back to sleep tonight - i don't want this dream to continue.

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