Wednesday, December 2, 2009

motivational seminar

today i attended a super awesome motivational seminar. 

tony parker.
colin powell.
tamara lowe.
zig zigler. 
some guy that i really, really, really, really liked, but forgot his name.
and president george w. bush. 

yes, it was awesome.

and i am totally motivated now. i will live a better life. i will, you watch and see. you naysayers, be gone. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bush is a war criminal and needs to be arrested and convicted. He also needs to give this country every cent of his income from now until the end of his legacy. He has affiliated himself with the biggest group of snake oil salesmen this decade has ever seen. The entire "Get Motivated" event in SA was full of hatred and bigotry ("James Smith talking about giving the little Mexican his old pick up truck") (Tamara Lowe rapping and referring to the ho ho hoes in her neighborhood), and so many assaults to my sense of decency and common sense all wrapped up in an American Flag topped with Jesus bleeding on the cross. And strangely enough, some unseen guy name Ken Swim winning the big screen TV, and some fast on his feet soldier winning the dance contest and the trip to Disney World who looked suspiciously like another soldier who won a dance contest and trip to disney world at a completely different Get motivated event. HMMMM. I wonder if our former President would like to know that a civilian impersonating a soldier is scamming people into thinking they are going to win prizes on his watch. I doubt he'd care.