Tuesday, December 15, 2009

top 10 albums of all time

so i made a top 5 albums of 2009 list, and now i decided i'd make a top 10 albums of all time list. 

agree or disagree, this is my list. pipe up, though, and let me know what you think! 

listed in alphabetical order:

coldplay's "parachutes"

dave matthews' "live at radio city"

delirious' "deeper"

the listening's "lp"

mute math's "reset ep"

the national's "boxer"

P.O.D.'s "satellite"

relient k's "the anatomy of the tongue in cheek"

switchfoot's "nothing is sound"

U2's "the joshua tree"

honorable mention: 
audio adrenaline's "underdog"
blindside's "silence"
chevelle's "wonder what's next"
coldplay's "x&y"
dc talk's "Jesus freak"
jars of clay's "much afraid"
john mayer's "continuum" 
kings of leon's "only by the night"

sigur rós' "me› su› í eyrum vi› spilum endalaust"

switchfoot's "hello hurricane" 
taylor swift's "fearless"

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