Friday, August 29, 2008

project question

i'm a pirate.
so i stole this idea, sorta, kinda, yes, i did, from jeremy cowart.

i thought, man, that would be such a cool idea. 
i am going to do one myself.

it'll be a book, with 100 pictures of 100 different people, and then your question (think about this question; and you can even send me multiple, but ill only use ONE). this is what ill need:
1. name
2. a description of yourself based on this format (student / son/ photographer / host / pirate / etc.)
3. your age.
4. what your current career is.
5. where you live in the usa.

yes, alright?
i need these fast, so, the sooner you can give them to me, the better.

here is are some examples of questions:
are we going to be okay?
will you love me when you know me?
for what will our children be remembered?
should i do what i love or do what i do so i can do what i love on the side?
is there really a a way to truly be yourself and not be terrified at the same time?

the goal is to make the reader/viewer stop and think.
once i have your question, i need to take a picture of you. the end.

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