Sunday, August 10, 2008

photography is not a crime

i sold my first pictures today.
i decided i want to sell pictures to help pay for college, wherever i end up going. 
so i sold my 'navy pier' and 'belmount harbour'; both for $20 - two 11x14's.
i think that's a good deal, no?
i want to end up selling 20x30's framed pictures for $150. 
we'll see.

anyways; i called marlon up and suggested we go downtown to take some 'skyline' pictures, now that his cousin laine is in town. he quickly agreed with my idea, and off we went.

long story short (cause i have church in the morning), i rode the elevator to the 25th story of the marriot hotel downtown, and then took the stairs to the 38th floor - took pictures, got caught by a security officer, gave my information to him, was let go; stopped again by the same gentleman, escorted to a policelady, explained to them i was not a terrorist, and they let me go.

like i said, photography is not a crime, no?

and there is no such thing as a 'thirteenth floor'; they just skip it - literally.
it goes 11, 12, 14, 15,  16...

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