Wednesday, December 30, 2009


so i had a shoot with BK (that's bethany;) on monday, and here are the results. 

i was pretty happy with how they came out. 


december 27

was the one year anniversary of my mother's passing. i didn't feel like posting about it, so i'll post it now.

i surprised my dad with a Christmas present...

here is it. i did it all by myself (isaiah helped on a TINY part), and i  am very happy with the result.

Monday, December 21, 2009


i can tell you first hand that we as humans have or own will. often it is good, and sometimes we believe it is good. many times it is even in our best interest, and often we only think it is. there is One who knows and desires the very best for us; that is, and always will be His will for us. 

i have come to understand that inasmuch as we all have things we desire, hope for, and sometimes even demand for ourselves and in our lives, the greatest miracle occurs when we embrace God's will for our lives. 

it is at this point that we acknowledge that we are incapable of asking for something that is better than what He wants for us. it is a major step of growth that a person experiences - not unlike when the light of understand goes on in a child's head and he grasps that mom or dad actually does know a bit more than him. 

this Sunday - December 27, 2009 - is the first year anniversary of my mother's passing. while she was going through her illness (cancer), and even against the doctor's prognosis, i remained 100% certain that God would grant me my prayer and request: that she would be cured to continue raising my siblings and me. 

i knew without a doubt that God was big and strong enough to do this miracle for me. it is not to be as i had desired...but now i've come to realize that God is much bigger than what i'd imagined, big enough to be with my family and to help us-  not only overcome the greatest lost i have ever experienced, but thrive. 


i know i have much learning and growing to do, but my confidence and faith is that His Word is never flawed, He will never deviate an iota from it and His promise holds true: He will never leave nor forsake me. i will not fear; i know where my help comes from. i am an over comer, because The Over Comer lives in me. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

semi recent shoots

the last ones were actually taken about a month or two ago..just goes to show my irresponsibility to my blog's fan base. 


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

top 10 albums of all time

so i made a top 5 albums of 2009 list, and now i decided i'd make a top 10 albums of all time list. 

agree or disagree, this is my list. pipe up, though, and let me know what you think! 

listed in alphabetical order:

coldplay's "parachutes"

dave matthews' "live at radio city"

delirious' "deeper"

the listening's "lp"

mute math's "reset ep"

the national's "boxer"

P.O.D.'s "satellite"

relient k's "the anatomy of the tongue in cheek"

switchfoot's "nothing is sound"

U2's "the joshua tree"

honorable mention: 
audio adrenaline's "underdog"
blindside's "silence"
chevelle's "wonder what's next"
coldplay's "x&y"
dc talk's "Jesus freak"
jars of clay's "much afraid"
john mayer's "continuum" 
kings of leon's "only by the night"

sigur rós' "me› su› í eyrum vi› spilum endalaust"

switchfoot's "hello hurricane" 
taylor swift's "fearless"

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

top 5 albums of 2009

in my mind are:

5. taylor swift's "fearless (platinum edition)"

4. paper route's "absence"
3. mat kearney's "city of black and white"
2. dave matthews band's "big whiskey and the groogrux king"

and my favorite album of all 2009 was.........

switchfoot's "hello hurricane"

honorable mention: 
phoenix's "wolfgang amadeus phoenix"
chevelle's "sci fi crimes"
jars of clay's "long fall back to earth"
john mayer's "battle studies"
mute math's "armistice"

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

motivational seminar

today i attended a super awesome motivational seminar. 

tony parker.
colin powell.
tamara lowe.
zig zigler. 
some guy that i really, really, really, really liked, but forgot his name.
and president george w. bush. 

yes, it was awesome.

and i am totally motivated now. i will live a better life. i will, you watch and see. you naysayers, be gone. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


pictures are up! check 'em out...only here, because i'm not showing any friends! just my avid readers. ;)