actually, i haven't posted anything about this, so i will now.
im currently in 6th gear (on a 5 gear engine), working over time and pumping out shoot after shoot after shoot after shoot in order to print my portfolio by the end of september, maybe even sooner.
RIGHT NOW, i have approximately 7-8 images that i am SUPER PROUD of. when im finished with this, i want to have 30+ images that i am super proud of.
i want every shoot to be better than the next.
so with that being said, here are some shoots i've done recently.
the last one is a re-edit of a previous picture i've done.
the second to last one, with the truck, was a LAST SECOND idea, and with no advance planning, we did it - i was pretty happy with how it came out.
the man in the suit is my friend aldo, and it is for a show called madmen, and he is trying to just walk on, and if the picture is good enough, he just might be used as an extra.
the last two are images i had been wanting to do for a while...sort of.
i actually wanted to do this image when i first started the shoot, but ended up being most happy with these images. the first one is of my brother, and i was really happy with how it came out.
the second one is of my friend samuel, and i thought it looked pretty sweet; while editing, i got the crazy slogan, and decided to stamp it on there.
and i have like three more shoots this week, and more next week.

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