Thursday, February 19, 2009

i have an idea

that would be so cool, if it actually came into fruition.

tim duncan, spurs basketball star, two-time nba MVP, four-time champion, great all around guy.

betcha didn't know that tim duncan didn't start playing basketball till he was 14.
yeah, thought so.

up until then, tim duncan trained for the olympics..
get this, as a swimmer.

then a hurricane came along, and destroyed the pool, so the team moved to the ocean (virgin islands) to train; tim duncan, however, was afraid of sharks, so he quit swimming, and decided to pick up basketball.

and that is where my idea comes in.
i want to do a shoot that involves tim duncan playing an empty pool.
or a full pool - im not sure on that part yet.

i think it would be so awesome,  and he'd love it - IF I COULD LAND THE JOB.

pray for me to land it. 

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