Friday, February 27, 2009

it is finished

im so happy and excited!

it finally looks a bit more professional.
not sure if im going to leave the front like that, though.
i gotta change it.

i love the /portfolio section. 

i wrote the entire code for that site.

mr winfield little pushed me in the right direction..
and now im done.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


i keep having this dream.

im not sure if it's a good dream or bad dream.

but it goes like this:

im just living my life, around the house..
and my mother suddenly appears in it.

and i wake up sobbing, cause i know it's not real, it's a dream.
it's sad, i think.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

dislocated body parts


i dislocated my shoulder.
IT FREAKING HURT, let me assure you of that.

so im taking pictures at the softball tournament, at cornerstone, and one of the pitchers - carolyn - asked me to warm up with her...kinda.

of course i agree and do it.

as we've been tossing the ball for a while, she encourages me to throw it as hard as i can.

hesitant, i tell her i don't know if i can control it, and where it'll end up; she finally convinces me, though, and i throw it as hard as i can.

BAM. crack, crackle, crunch.


so much pain.
excruciating pain! you don't even know; there aren't words to describe the pain i went through for the next three hours.

after much discussion, it was decided that no one at cornerstone was capable (or legally allowed) to pop it back in, and i had to go to texas med clinic. 

alec, a friend of isaiah, kindly drove me, and helped me fill out some paperwork.

down to the good stuff.

about an hour later, they let me in, and the doctor tells me (in a nutshell): look, we can't give you any medicine before we pop it back in place. you can thank the state legislature for just passing a law stating we're not allowed to give medicine out for these types of procedures. 

basically, i was screwed. 

i get my shirt off, per doctor's orders, and they instruct me to lay face first on the bed.
mind you, every move i make rockets pain through my entire shoulder, arm, and forearm. 

so when the doctor started tying a 50 pound weight to my shoulder and arm, you can imagine i wasn't too ecstatic! 

anyways, those next ten minutes were quite honestly, the most painful i have ever been in my life.
i was screaming non stop. oooowww.

here's a picture. 

Thursday, February 19, 2009

i have an idea

that would be so cool, if it actually came into fruition.

tim duncan, spurs basketball star, two-time nba MVP, four-time champion, great all around guy.

betcha didn't know that tim duncan didn't start playing basketball till he was 14.
yeah, thought so.

up until then, tim duncan trained for the olympics..
get this, as a swimmer.

then a hurricane came along, and destroyed the pool, so the team moved to the ocean (virgin islands) to train; tim duncan, however, was afraid of sharks, so he quit swimming, and decided to pick up basketball.

and that is where my idea comes in.
i want to do a shoot that involves tim duncan playing an empty pool.
or a full pool - im not sure on that part yet.

i think it would be so awesome,  and he'd love it - IF I COULD LAND THE JOB.

pray for me to land it. 

Monday, February 16, 2009

breaking off

friendships that are no good for me.

i should have done this a long time ago, before it even started.
you'll see.

ill talk less to you.
that's how it'll start.

i a huge load just came off my back.

all star game

at my house, pretty rad, i won't lie.

i enjoyed it.

i did.
and today, i realized who i really like. (surprised)

im so lame.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


my hackintosh is finally completed!

it was a pain in the butt to perfect, but it is done now.

am i pleased, or what?

check this out:

the 2.5 GHz Unknown processor is a 2.5GHz QUAD CORE.
i love it; it's BLAZING FAST.

oh, and avid readers: please pray 'that my aunt get that grant, all $500K of it, for her job.' 
thanks. :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

so i told this someone

that i like her.

im not sure it went as well as i would have liked.

oh well.
at least all is not lost, as chris martin likes to sing. 

finished the girl's middle school portraits, for the basketball team.
(in the "process" of editing the middle school boy's portraits - basketball as well)

tomorrow, thursday, february 12th, i have the varsity soccer portraits - im excited about those. i hope they come out dang awesome. 

tonight, though, switchfoot, at the rodeo - woohoo! 
im going, and sneaking my camera in with one of my little sister's bags. 

all is well with my soul...i think.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

i like someone

i think it's time i like someone.

i haven't told many people, maybe one or two, or three. or four. 

i really, really like this lady.
and she is soooooooo perfect.
except for one dang small thing.

and that is upsetting, cause i could totally see myself asking her out. 

oh well.
i will work on that detail, and see where it goes from there.

i don't even know if she likes me, so i guess it's a moot point unless she does, right? 

Saturday, February 7, 2009

switchfoot and cowboys

yes, they are making their annual san antonio stop at the stock show and rodeo.

i am excited.
i was planning on buying my tickets.
but this morning my dad told me: "don't make plans for wednesday, cause we're going to the rodeo to see switchfoot." 

im like. sweeeeeeeeet.
so yeah. that's awesome.
im definitely taking my camera. 

Friday, February 6, 2009

coldplay will be coming

to houston, on the 22nd of july, in the year 2009 of our lord jesus christ. 

i am excited.
i am DEFINITELY buying tickets the day they go on sale, on the 21st of february.


respect your parents

that it may go well with you, and you live a long and prosperous life.  

that saying, 'you don't know what you've got till you've lost it' is oh so true. 
don't take me wrong. 
i knew what i had, when i had it, i just miss it now that i can't have it.  

every time the door rings, or someone knocks on it, my heart skips a beat, and i think it's my mother...and then realize she's not coming back.  

i honestly can't put a price on what i would do to be able to have my mother back, just for one dinner, and talk with her, and let her know how much i love her.  

respect and cherish your parents while you can, because someday, sooner or later, they won't be there - and that is the only thing that is guaranteed in life.

Monday, February 2, 2009

updating my aperture library

on my new macbook, and i saw this.


that's a lot of pictures.
i wonder how many have been taken by my d700, where it's shutter cycle is rated at 150,000 exposures. 

i think i might have gotten the gymnastic job.
the owner (heather) LOVED the pictures, so that's a good sign.
i am going back for another meeting with her thursday.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

im sick

i don't feel well.

i feel like throwing up.

im lame

at updating this.

it's not like i have many avid readers, though.

i've been super busy lately.
thus the reason for my lack of posts.

i took pictures friday of cornerstone's middle school girls, team a.
the first of a few more jobs for cornerstone.

and then friday, i also took sample pictures of some gymnasts, for a gym owner.
if she likes the pictures, i can take portraits of all her students - all 500 of them. 

man, do i hope she likes this or what? 
(click picture)