i dislocated my shoulder.
IT FREAKING HURT, let me assure you of that.
so im taking pictures at the softball tournament, at cornerstone, and one of the pitchers - carolyn - asked me to warm up with her...kinda.
of course i agree and do it.
as we've been tossing the ball for a while, she encourages me to throw it as hard as i can.
hesitant, i tell her i don't know if i can control it, and where it'll end up; she finally convinces me, though, and i throw it as hard as i can.
BAM. crack, crackle, crunch.
so much pain.
excruciating pain! you don't even know; there aren't words to describe the pain i went through for the next three hours.
after much discussion, it was decided that no one at cornerstone was capable (or legally allowed) to pop it back in, and i had to go to texas med clinic.
alec, a friend of isaiah, kindly drove me, and helped me fill out some paperwork.
down to the good stuff.
about an hour later, they let me in, and the doctor tells me (in a nutshell): look, we can't give you any medicine before we pop it back in place. you can thank the state legislature for just passing a law stating we're not allowed to give medicine out for these types of procedures.
basically, i was screwed.
i get my shirt off, per doctor's orders, and they instruct me to lay face first on the bed.
mind you, every move i make rockets pain through my entire shoulder, arm, and forearm.
so when the doctor started tying a 50 pound weight to my shoulder and arm, you can imagine i wasn't too ecstatic!
anyways, those next ten minutes were quite honestly, the most painful i have ever been in my life.
i was screaming non stop. oooowww.
here's a picture.