Friday, September 18, 2009


so my friend asked me to shoot portraits for his new cd..

let me say, i was just excited to do this. he's a pretty good musician, and so i wanted to set him up with some sweet photography...or at least try. 

here is the result. they were, well, ecstatic with the final product. 

(click to view larger)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

two cari(s)

i saw this idea a long time ago, and i really, really liked it. 

it also made me realize that i need another backdrop color...maybe white or something? :D

as always, click to enlarge.

Monday, September 7, 2009

a new friend

i've made a new, (good) friend this weekend: ferris. :)

we get along really, really well, which i like.

oh, and madeline is cool, too. 

Saturday, September 5, 2009


so i wanted to do something cool and a bit different for my portfolio, so i did this shot of my friend, ramsey. i think it came out pretty sweet, and in all honesty, it's actually one of my best shots i've ever done, actually.

from when i started setting up the lights, to when i put the camera down, i think the ENTIRE shoot was only 8 minutes long. 

this was taken about ten minutes after a football game, and for the entire game it was raining cats and dogs. finally, in the fourth quarter, it let up, thankfully. 

as always, click to view it larger. 

Friday, September 4, 2009

shoots and stuff

i haven't been as busy lately as i would like to. 

i have a couple shoots going for me, but nothing spectacular. 
i need to pick it up some more.